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AuthorThread: The New Player Experience
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #8284 Posted: Jul 26, 2008, 3:02 pm
Step one of improving the new player experience is live as of last night.

*New QUICK START Page - The Quick Start page provides a simplified list of commonly used functions in Muelsfell:

Build Stuff - Links to your workshop
Equip My Golem - A Quick link that will automatically install the best eyes and powersource that will fit in your golem. You can also find this link at the top of your golem page if your golem is on the worktable.
Fight Monsters - Links directly to the creature choices for the area closest to you.
Repair My Golem - Links to your lowest numbered golem and automatically moves it to the worktable if it can.
Explore the World - Walk around the map of Muelsfell.
Customize my Settings - A link to your profile page.

*Improved Golem Movement - Golems moved to the worktable when a golem is already there will automatically bump the worktable golem into the basement and replace it with the golem you're trying to move. A similar thing happens in regards to the outside slot. If you have only one golem and try to fight something, combat will now automatically move your golem outside and try to use it in the combat.

*Combat Travel Times - The time to return from a local combat with a creature has been reduced to 1 second (effectively nothing). Previously a Premium Perk, this has been expanded to all. This ONLY affects combat in areas next to your workshop, and ONLY with creatures.

*Compass-Free Map Movement - The brass compass is no longer necessary to navigate the map, nor is it necessary to attack creatures and mages in far off locations. The compass now provides a motivation cost bonus for using golems in far off locations.

* Newbie Protection Limit Visible - The time remaining on a new player's "Newbie Protection" is displayed on the Quick Start page.

Step two of improving the new player experience will include:

* trimming down the wordiness of the tutorial;
* providing more prominent forum links;
* random help tips on page refreshes;
* an optional no-trade ticket that lets a new player sample No-PvP time.

[Edit] Add your suggestions on improving the new player experience here: 7986

Last Edited: Jul 26, 2008, 3:04 pm
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