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Index » Muelsfell Game Forum » Bug Reports Muelsfell World v1.0 Forums
AuthorThread: Floating Eyes
CommComms's Avatar
Posts: 392
Location: Daylsfeld
Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #8960 Posted: Jul 31, 2008, 5:33 am
So I was attacking someone a bit ago, knocked the head off their golem and went to the local area page to collect the eyes. They weren't there, oh well, I figured they'd been picked up by the person (who was online at the time) or someone else by chance just before I loaded the page. A bit later I noticed something odd about the items still attached to the golem...

Right now, the workshop is guarded by his Weighty Earth (Level 3 Clay).

This golem is missing the left hand, the left arm and the head.


Visible Items on the Golem (not counting armour)
Emerald Eyes (14%) and Alchemical Voidstone (275).

... On further examination it appears that this is another case of the clan items dropping screwing up normal items dropping bug, as an iron sword also dropped according to the combat report. I thought, however, that the bug was restricted only to items which were dropped on the same round as the clan item, and the head and the arm were removed several rounds apart. The attack report lists several non-sword items which dropped, none of which appeared on the ground.

Fun fact: It seems like the golem is still getting the eye accuracy bonuses! Based on its relatively high hit rate in following attacks.

The attack in question occurred July 31, 12:18 server time.
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #8961 Posted: Jul 31, 2008, 5:38 am
Yup, verified by me, I thought you'd grabbed the eyes at first, but no, they were still attached to my golem, quite a fortunate occurrence, but a bit glitchy.
They are almost certainly giving the accuracy bonus as well, either that or the RNG is lurving up on me to make up for the head being knocked off in a single round of combat.
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #9881 Posted: Aug 9, 2008, 6:48 pm
And it's happened again, almost certainly a phantom-limb thing, only happens when it has a mask equipped, so it's almost definately clan-item related.
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