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AuthorThread: Feature Request: Marketplace
Tzadkiel's Avatar
Posts: 596
Location: Broukendale
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #919 Posted: Apr 4, 2008, 2:24 pm
I'd like to see an option to edit my market offers.

The most basic would be to allow editing the "want". Say selling flesh 1:1 for money just isn't moving. I just ask for less money. It just seems cleaner than canceling the offer, moving it all back into storage, and then making a new offer. In a real market stall, the Maji would just cross out the old price and write a new one ;)

Second idea would be an entirely different methodology.
I agree to sell 5000 flesh at a 5:1 money ratio. Someone could buy as many as they want, or the entire lot of 5000. I'm of two minds about what this would do to the economy but I think it would really stimulate capitalism and a market that controls its own price. Right now we are stuck with Big Lots and have fewer options to browse the Bazaar with our shopping lists and make intelligent purchases.

just my two pence
Posts: 505
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 115 years old
Message #923 Posted: Apr 4, 2008, 4:09 pm
I was actually thinking about that selling 5:1 thing just last night, and would also like to see it.

Another thing I'd like to see is the combining if repeated offers. Right now if someone makes 10 offers of 500 wood for 250 gold it really spams the market. I'd like it if it just said 500 wood for 250 gold once, and then had a 10 in a quantity or offers column or the like and selling one just lowered that number until it ran out.
Tzadkiel's Avatar
Posts: 596
Location: Broukendale
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #924 Posted: Apr 4, 2008, 4:26 pm
well yeah - some smaller offers would be nice
non premium people can only have 10 active offers. The huge scarcity of money means that my warehouse is overflowing with admittedly not all that much resource awaiting some cash to actually build something (like, say, storage bins). With the disparity between money I earn at a job and resources I produce, I need to sell large quantities or it is a waste. It is a simple calculation of "I am going to work for x hours, during that time I will produce Y resource. My bins are Maxed, so sell Y of everything. When I come back, I will be maxed again."

Now if the prices of resources were to go back down, life would be easier - nothing is fun if my market offer expires and my bin is already full. You'd think that basic capitalism would make me sell it cheap since it goes to oblivion if I don't sell - but the economy is out of whack at the moment.
Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #930 Posted: Apr 4, 2008, 6:16 pm
yeah, it's very strange that people aren't putting up more 'buy' offers, they could get their resources at a far cheaper price.

I buy and sell, and I can often get 25:1 for resources when buying.
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