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AuthorThread: how many slots for eyes and powersources?
garfield's Avatar
Posts: 135
Location: Last Alvia Dawning
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #2671 Posted: May 21, 2008, 1:19 pm
I would like to know, what the slot requirements for higher eyes and powersources are. Is there maybe a list of a manual which tells that?
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #2698 Posted: May 23, 2008, 11:39 am
Power sources:
Aemaeth Strip - 1 slot - No material cost
Clay Tablet - 1 slot
Alchemical Powerstones (all) - 2 slots
Elemental Powergems - 2 or 3 slots
Ouroboros - 3 slots. Chest mounted only.
Steam Engine - 4 slots. Chest mounted only.

For more Powergem details:
Poseidon's Power Source shop []
Pegga's Elemental Gems []

Hazy Bottle Eyes - 1 slot - 2% - 25 Glass
Cyclopean Eye - 1 slot - 5% - 50 Glass
Polished Eyes - 1 slot - 7% - 100 Glass/15 Coins
Glass Eyes - 1 slot - 10% - 200 Glass/20 Coins
Dinzo Coil - 1 slot - 11% - 25 Gems/60 Copper
Crystal Eyes - 1 slot - 12% - 750 Glass/200 Coins
Emerald Eyes - 2 slots - 14% - 500 Gems/300 Coins
Ruby Eyes - 2 slots - 16% - *
Diamond Eyes - 3 slots - 18% - *

You can buy Diamond Eyes here:
Sterling's Diamond Eyes []
and the others are usually in the marketplace.

* I can't make these yet so If someone sends me the info, I'll post it later.
Am not listing powersources components at this time, mostly due to laziness on my part.(the 4 each levels of stones and gems...) It will show up when I have some free time...
Last Edited: May 23, 2008, 7:12 pm
Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #2700 Posted: May 23, 2008, 5:45 pm
Halftea, both look the same, and correct, to me, what's the discrepancy you're seeing?
Halftea's Avatar
Posts: 1307
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 132 years old
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Message #2701 Posted: May 23, 2008, 5:59 pm
Ok, when I first looked, there was a minor difference.
One showed that all Powergems were 3 slots.

It looks like it's updated so they match now.
Last Edited: May 23, 2008, 6:02 pm
garfield's Avatar
Posts: 135
Location: Last Alvia Dawning
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #2702 Posted: May 23, 2008, 6:29 pm
Thanks for the info!

And what is the increase in accuracy for the 2-slot eyes?
And their production costs?

And the production costs for the Powersources?

I know, I'm nosy ;)

Thanks for all the answers! :)
Last Edited: May 25, 2008, 8:07 am
Biliboy's Avatar
Posts: 11
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #2716 Posted: May 24, 2008, 8:47 pm
Power Source Energy Slots Stone Brass Money

Alchemical Heatstone 200 2 1500 150 500

Alchemical Icestone 225 2 2500 150 1500

Alchemical Acidstone 250 2 3500 150 2000

Alchemical Voidstone 275 2 4500 250 2500

bad formatting, but I'm lazy atm and copy/pasted from the artificer
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