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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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Index » Muelsfell Game Forum » Suggestions and Improvements Muelsfell World v1.0 Forums
AuthorThread: Letting us help Kep
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Vardos's Avatar
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Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #39195 Posted: Nov 15, 2009, 5:12 am
Well to give an idea of the thought process of someone coming back to this game recently, I can tell you how I viewed the world on my return.

I had been gone a year and many things seemed updated. People were leaving golems out, the market was thriving and things seemed interesting. At that point I almost made the decision to move to premium to make the experience a little less painful.

However after 2 weeks I was back to what I had done pre deactivation: logging on to build stuff donate to the clan and hit the attack now button on the combat screen. Without something innovative to keep members that are returning from going back to inactive there needs to be something to spark interest. This could be anything from allowing you to diversify abilities of items (lets say you can make an iron plate but decide to make it extra powerful against a certain attack or eyes that don't offer as much accuracy but lower your opponents base accuracy from reflection) to a variety of other optional suggestions since we have a veritable cornicopia of suggestions that would make the game more interesting at least for a while.

There is just insufficient content at this point in the game for me to even attempt to convince my significant other that spending money on this is an ok idea.

Feel free to let lose any disagreements.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #39197 Posted: Nov 15, 2009, 7:08 am
You know I am sitting here thinking and looking at this site right now I was for some reason reminded if go-gaia when it was still called that and ran by real people. I can remember the down time due to updates and additions of new servers with proud pictures of those new servers before during and after installation. The community was updated constantly and it seemed to me like over night the site became a corporate giant.

I think the biggest problem here, the problem that is being fueled by all the other problems, is the lack of a reason for a community to gather here.

Find a way to give people a reason to gather here other than the 20 minutes a day it takes to do all of the hunting and resource donation. I used to be able to get people to post in the clan forums with fun contests and G rated outrageous posts but recently there is nothing. Sure people are still logging in but it looks like that's it. And if all they are doing is logging in to take care of things it won't be long before they stop doing that.

I think things that could help us along this path are:

1.) More regular updates. Hell if you didn't get anything done on the site during the week tell us how your week was and what you did. Share a bit of you life with us, that WILL keep us happy.

2.) Customizable Golems. That's what this game is about right? And when I say customizable golems I do not mean the premium buy backgrounds and other things for them. I mean make the golems look how they should look. If I have a flesh golem with all stone parts make it look like a flesh chest with stone grafted to it. And those weapons and items and armor we have make those show up too. It could even give someone a reason to make a full gem stone golem. Good grief I could play with something like that for a while getting my golems to look awesome.

3.) Get rid of the forum restrictions and add some features. That means unlock the rest of the BB code, let us post images, use smiles and do everything else that code was made to let us do. Give us signature boxes and a way to ignore them and give use a way to show off those cool looking customized golems from the previous suggestion under our avatar. Also more avatars, or customizable ones. And while I am on the forum soap box I might as well add a shameless plug for other less important right now features. []

4.) $2.50 monthly collectibles. Especially if we are still piggy backing off the customizable golems idea. I mean who can't afford $2.50? I am piss poor and I can. Hell, I'll take 4. I don't care what it is be it a weapon, armor or novelty item as long as some thought went into it. though storage box modifications would be highly recommended along with this one. People won't want to be restricted on what why can buy.


Am I being bossy? Yes. Honestly these are less of "suggestions" and more of some "chop chop get it done now"s. I only say this because this is the recipe for success I remember seeing blow a site up that I used to spend tons of time at into the biggest forum site on the internet from literally nothing. Those 4 things can easily set up a community that will be here for much more than just to take care of an account. And this site will become a money making opportunity big time as just a side benefit.

Well that took forever to type, I'm spent.


EDIT: Also, before anyone else posts anything. If you want more people it might help to fix the way your voting system works. Most sites require you actually vote at the ranking site to get credit not just click the link. And may I also suggest that if you do fix that to add a bit more incentive to voting as it does make it take up noticeably more time, still not a lot of time but much more compared to just clicking the links. The best incentive I could think of, especially for us senior players would be motivation. I would vote all day long and from proxy servers if I could.
Last Edited: Nov 15, 2009, 3:52 pm
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #39231 Posted: Nov 16, 2009, 5:09 am
So, it looks like everyone is having roughly the same problem.

Nothing to do. Nothing to do. Nothing to do.

My sentiments are fairly in line with the above, excepting the fact that I don't pay for the game. (Or any that I really play, for that matter.)

So, going constructively. How can one always have something available to do?

In order of work-to-return ratio:

#1 : Player Generated Content:
This category includes everything that the players of the game can do to make the game more interesting. It includes PvP, Clans, but also pipedreams of a player-run economy with resources being controlled by clans, and clans warring over locations and the like. A significant enough application of PGC can always give at least "something" to do.

PGC Suggestions from elsewhere in these forums:
PvP Arena
Team Combat
Golem Customization (My thread on it in particular, nyah ;P)
Clan Economy
Clan Wars

#2 : More More:
Completely new material to add to the game. Instantaneous spells, traps, making the workshop attack process like attacking an actual fortified location. Towers, turrets, you name it. If it's new and original, it's more more.

A REALLY, REAAAALLLY easy #2 would be unique, randomly generated magic items, ala the Diablo Series and whatnot. Sure, your sword may be a +2% accuracy, but mine does area fire damage.

#3 : More Content:
Expand existing content. Increase and scale up current formulas so there is at least "something" to build. Use old code in new ways. This is already being done, but we don't see it because it's at a level we cannot reach with current game mechanics and playerbase.
Posts: 94
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Magus Age: 133 years old
Message #39232 Posted: Nov 16, 2009, 5:15 am
I think I should clarify exactly what we can currently do as admins so people know what we ARE doing, at least.

As admins, we currently can:

Create new items using existing ones with modified statistics in some way. None of us can send these live.

Create new creatures using the same interface used to make old ones. None of us can send these live.

Bugtest slightly better than everybody else. We can't fix em whatsoever.

Kep is currently working on giving us more capabilities, but we're currently doing pretty much all we can within the confines of our restrictions.

All clans with "items" pretty much have everything up to level 20 covered already.

Most kinds of critters are already done.

So, that's why I'm trying to bug pop. Which, is as ineffectual as you'd think it is when you can't see what you're trying to debug.
PhatsMahoney's Avatar
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Message #39233 Posted: Nov 16, 2009, 6:23 am
I'd just like to take this opportunity to ask who created the Gelatinous Cube? Because I love you.
Talmar's Avatar
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Message #39237 Posted: Nov 16, 2009, 1:49 pm
hello all

Don't think I've actually posted in these forums before, but I'd like to thank Kep and all the Admins for their hard work. I know it's hard to do everything with little power, with the masses screaming at the door! :) Just keep up the good work, and keep hounding Kep to work on the bug fixes! I know it's hard when you also have a full time "Real" job on your hands as well.

I'm going to start another thread here with some suggestions about gameplay and structure. I hope everyone reads it, and makes some comments. I've been playing games for a LONG time, so i do have a little knowledge in this area.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #39242 Posted: Nov 16, 2009, 4:53 pm
Read your ideas Talmar. I like and don't like some of them but I lost my post while typing so I will comment later. XP

But it did spark another idea to help the sight in general. Now from a program aspect it would be very helpful to see existing code to know where things stand, but that has great opposition. SO the follow-up kinda backwards start from scratch idea to fill in my open source code idea is... well its still kinda open source but. If there are people on this site with the program knowledge necessary to program something like this site type up some code and submit it! Type up code substitutions for buggy areas. Kinda backwards thinking but it could work.

It also dawned on me that why does it matter if we know how the formulas for everything work? If its done right there would be no way to change or manipulate it. It would just be how the game works and give us info that I don't think would effect game play at all. You already have munchkins figuring out the best ways of doing things with or without the actual code.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #39264 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 12:10 am
The problem with giving out the formulas for things like combat, is that it would come down to who can work the numbers better to achieve maximum output with minimum input (high damage given, low damage taken). This can become overpowering if given the option.

Although it might be nice to have an idea of the scoring system for skirmish rather than trying to turn the score and failing miserably. ex: "what? I just wasted their guard and our score is still lower than theirs??"
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #39270 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 12:28 am
Do note that many formulas can be (and have been) reverse engineered and calculated. We at TOMU have been doing this for a while, mostly for lack of much else to do.
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #39284 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 1:11 pm
If I could suggest something while this in and of itself might help it may not. Can we get a consolidation thread for bugs and suggestions (a sticky thread that stays near the top) so we can make sure ideas aren't buried in the archives after a time. For player based suggestions we could simply hold a vote on all the issues and present to ark what we think is good and also get updates at this location?

I know its a long shot but it will help us know all the actual suggestions the people want as well as giving us a simple area to alleviate tedious searchs to see if things have been completed.

If something like this already exists I accept humbly the oncoming squeky hammer beatings.

Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #39290 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 2:59 pm
Ye-es, but it'll probably have to wait a few days until I have the time it would take to manually get all the links together. You're asking for something like we have on the clan RP forum, yes? A guide to all open issues with links to each thread?
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #39293 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 3:51 pm
I would have to guess that's the idea. On top of that the suggestions/bugs could be put in order of most wanted/severe. I image that would be at least a little useful in the long run.

Thank you for the time you are going to put into it Yami.
Arcess's Avatar
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Message #39308 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 8:56 pm
So...a forum based bugtracking system? :P
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #39311 Posted: Nov 17, 2009, 11:40 pm
I've got the bug report thread done. Is a suggestion thread really that useful, given that they never actually expire? We just need a forum search function instead XD
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #39322 Posted: Nov 18, 2009, 3:34 am
True enough yami but just because its an idea doesn't mean its a good one. The problem with the suggestions is that they seem to get lost to the vault of time even though they don't expire. I was thinking of it more as a this is a list that people that are interested in the game actually would like to see.

Searching works for the forum but unless you revive something from several months ago most of them are lost to time.

Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #39323 Posted: Nov 18, 2009, 3:38 am
You want me to make a sorted list of every single thread in the entire fifteen-page suggestion forum, save the few suggestions that have been outright rejected, implemented, or are duplicates?

Tell you what - YOU do it, and I'll sticky it.
Last Edited: Nov 18, 2009, 3:41 am
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #39336 Posted: Nov 18, 2009, 9:52 am
That will work though it will take some time since I don't get a whole lot of gaming time. I will probably start on it tomorrow. I'll have to revive a bunch of old threads so they will be coming to the front. For polls on what people want to see how many hours should we designate for voting? 24 or 36?

Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #39338 Posted: Nov 18, 2009, 2:11 pm
Please don't bump old threads - that'll just send newer ones (like this) backwards. Just do what I did in the bug report forum. If you toss me an email with the finished post I can maintain it later.

We give 5 days for clan polls and not everyone votes by a long shot - and you're saying game-wide polls should be open less than 2 days? How many polls do you plan to run? To what end? Kep will probably implement what he wants to implement - a poll won't take into account how difficult a suggestion might be to fit into the present code, or what his plans for the future of the game are. All it'll do is push MORE threads to further pages.
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #39385 Posted: Nov 19, 2009, 3:02 am
Well the plan was to make a single post with polls though eventually it will get hug. Simply put I was just going to put a bunch of ideas into one thread see what everyone thinks and then sticky it as not all ideas were popular.

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